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Алматы, Казахстан
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Лицензия Polycom Group Series 300 or 310 Enhanced Display Software License (5150-65085-001)

Лицензия Polycom Group Series 300 or 310 Enhanced Display Software License (5150-65085-001)
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  • Код: 5150-65085-001

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Лицензия Polycom Group Series 300 or 310 Enhanced Display Software License (5150-65085-001)
Лицензия Polycom Group Series 300 or 310 Enhanced Display Software License (5150-65085-001)В наличии
Цену уточняйте
+7 (727) 354-33-55
  • +7 (727) 354-33-44
  • +7 (775) 554-33-55
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  • +7 (775) 554-33-44
  • +7 (701) 736-89-86
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+7 (727) 354-33-55
  • +7 (727) 354-33-44
  • +7 (775) 554-33-55
    мобильный (WhatsApp/Viber/Telegram)
  • +7 (775) 554-33-44
  • +7 (701) 736-89-86
    мобильный (WhatsApp)

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Polycom Group Series 300 or 310 Enhanced Display Software License. Enables two features.  1.) Enables 2nd monitor output (HDMI) on codec. 2.) Interop with supported touch monitors in either single or dual configurations.  Valid for Group 300 or 310 only.

Лицензия для активации расширенного дисплея для систем видеоконференцсвязи Polycom RealPresence Group 300 и 310.


Также доступны другие варианты опциональных лицензии для систем видеоконфренцсвязи Polycom RealPresence Group:

  • 5150-65081-001 - Group Series and Centro Multipoint License.  6-way on Group 500, Group 550, and Centro.  8-way on Group 700
  • 5150-65082-001 - Group Series 1080p HD License-1080 encode/decode for people and content. Valid for Group 3x0, 500, 550, 700
  • 5150-65083-001 - Group Series Microsoft Interop License.Enables Skype for Business,Lync 2013 and AV MCU interop on qualified RP Group series software,required for video and/or audio in a MSFT environment.Valid for Group 3x0, 500, 550, 700.
  • 5150-65084-001 - Group Series TIP License. Enables support for Cisco TIP compatibility. Valid for Group 3x0, 500, 550, 700.
  • 5150-65085-001 - Group Series 300 or 310 Enhanced Display Software License. Enables two features.  1.) Enables 2nd monitor output (HDMI) on codec. 2.) Interop with supported touch monitors in either single or dual configurations.  Valid for Group 300 or 310 only.
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Вид оборудованияАксессуар для конференц-системы
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